The Powerful Connection Between Food and Emotions: Exploring the Brain-Gut Axis
Explore the brain-gut axis & learn how our emotions influence what we eat. Nurture a healthy relationship with food with Sara Lodge Nutritio
The Powerful Connection Between Food and Emotions: Exploring the Brain-Gut Axis
The Connection Between Stress and Your Gut
Ayurvedic Principles for Balancing the Mind-Gut Connection: Food, Lifestyle, and Herbs
A Nutritionist's Guide to Managing Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
Reducing Your Risk of Alzheimer & Cognitive Decline: The Importance of Gut Health and the MIND Diet
Mindful Eating: How to Cultivate a Healthy Relationship with Food
"Unlocking the Power of the Mind-Gut Connection: How Nutrition Impacts Your Mental Health"
Sara Lodge Nutrition teaming up with 5 Chicks and a Farmer.